Our Service List

Dog Grooming
Dog Bath

Bath with shampoo suited for your pets skin & coat, blow dry, nails trimmed and/or filed, ears cleaned, and teeth brushing

Full Groom Large Dog

Bath with shampoo suited for your pets skin &coat, Blow dry, Nails trimmed and/or filed, Ears cleaned and plucked (if necessary), Teeth brushing, and desired haircut

Full Groom Medium Dog

Bath with shampoo suited for your pets skin & coat, blow dry, nails trimmed and/or filed, ears cleaned and plucked (if necessary), teeth brushing, and desired haircut

Full Groom Small Dog

Bath with shampoo suited for your pets skin & coat, blow dry, nails trimmed and/or filed, ears cleaned and plucked (if necessary), teeth brushing, and desired haircut

Please contact us for a price estimate.

Services for most size dogs. (Unfortunately, extra large dogs may not fit comfortably in my bathtub.)

Rabies vaccine must be current and we recommend all dogs be current on all vaccinations